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Contact Veronica

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can I contact about your books?

If you have questions about film/TV rights, please contact my agent Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary Agency. For questions about events, interviews, or similiar inquiries, please contact Cassie Malmo of Malmo Public Relations.

What are your preferred pronouns?

She/her. Thank you for asking!

How do you pronounce your name?

Ver-on-i-ka Bay-n (like the Batman villain or the “bane” of your existence).

Can you come talk at our school/library/panel?

I love school, library, and panel visits! Shoot me an e-mail or fill out the contact form and we can talk.

Would you be willing to do an author interview?

If it fits into my schedule, I would love to. Please contact me through this website and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Who designed your cover for Difficult Girls?

The incredible Liz Dresner and Angela Carlino!

How do you find the time to write?

Writing is my job and my passion. As a writer, you must decide that your writing is valuable so that you can be successful. Time will never magically appear, unfortunately. For me, scheduling time to write is necessary. Many writers find it helpful to set a word count for the day or to write before work. Whatever it is for you, you must carve out the time in order to protect your writing.

What are the ‘Unusuals’ novellas, Mara and Miyuki?

Mara and Miyuki are young adult novellas I wrote in 2013 and 2014. The local indie publishing house that they were published through (Black Hill Press) unfortunately closed, and they are now out of print. I had planned to write a third book in the trilogy, but my writing path curved in a different way.

Who inspires you to keep your website updated?

Dahlia Adler, a very talented author who also runs a fantastic blog with great writing tips. She regularly reminds writers to update their websites, and for that, I am very grateful.

What is your privacy policy?

Check out my privacy policy here.